Heavenly Hedgerow Leaves 3-Yard Bundle - Figo Fabrics Reg.39.99 On Sale $29.99

$29.99 $39.99

Heavenly Hedgerow Leaves  3-Yard Bundle. 

Three 1-yard cuts of top-quality, 100% cotton, 44”/45” wide quilting fabric:
1. Figo Heavenly Hedgerow Leaves - Black Quilt Fabric -90588-99
2. Figo "Heavenly Hedgerow" Leaves - White Quilt Fabric -90588-10
3. Figo Taupe Cross | Haptic Woven Fabric by Figo Studio W90627-14

Fabrics designed by Jane Carkill

Consider adding a Fabri-Cafe pattern and lap backing (not included in the price).